Class Schedule

Additional Class times available upon request.  Please reach out with your training needs.  CPR@ACPRCLASS.COM




Este curso si se entrega en dos partes.

Primera parte: es el plan de estudios basado en el conocimiento que se entrega en línea a través de su computadora. Le enviaremos por correo electrónico un enlace de capacitación para completar su parte en línea de la capacitación. Una vez finalizada la parte en línea, la segunda parte es una sesión de habilidades prácticas en persona 1: 1.

*Asegúrese de completar su capacitación en línea ANTES de llegar para su evaluación de habilidades en persona.

Segunda parte: es donde practicas con los maniquíes todo lo que aprendiste en línea. También es una oportunidad para hacerle cualquier pregunta al instructor. Después de practicar con los maniquíes, se le presentará un escenario y se evaluarán sus habilidades. Finalmente, recibirá su tarjeta de certificación electrónicamente, que es válida por dos años.


* Este NO es un curso de RCP para proveedores de atención médica, para trabajadores de atención médica, consulte sobre su capacitación aquí

This course if delivered in two parts.

Part One: Is the knowledge based curriculum which is delivered online via your computer. We will email you out a training link to complete your online poriton of the training. After the online portion is finished Part two is an in person hands on 1:1 skills sesson.

*Make sure to complete your online training BEFORE you arrive for your in-person skills evaluation.

Part Two: Is where you practice with the manikins everything your learned online. It is also an opporutnity to ask the instructor any questions. After you practice with the manikins you will be given a scenario and your skills will be tested. Finally you will receive your certificaiton card electronically which is good for two years.

* This is NOT a Health Care provider CPR course, for Health Care workers please inquire about your training here

This course if delivered in two parts.

Part One: Is the knowledge based curriculum which is delivered online via your computer. We will email you out a training link to complete the online poriton of the training. 

*Make sure to complete your online training BEFORE you arrive for your in-person skills evaluation.

Part Two: Is the in-person hands on 20 minute practical. You will practice CPR on the manikins use the AED, practice using an EPI pen and perform a bandaging practice. 

Upon completion you will be issued a two-year certification card.

* This is NOT a Health Care provider CPR course, for Health Care workers please inquire about your training here

*Curriculum is nationally recognized.

If you: Are a HEALTH CARE PROVIDER and you would like an easy way to get CPR CERTIFIED here is How.

Go to  and take your online course (cost $36.00 and sold separetly). It is called HEART CODE BLS. Then register here for our in person hands on skills session. During the skills session you will be able to first practice your hands on skills with our manikins and AED's. Then when you are ready you will be evaluated for your retention of those skills and receive your certification which is good for two years and issued through the American Heart Association.
HeartCode BLS for Health Care Providers